Friday, March 22, 2013

Gabby Giffords Gun SNAFU

     Everyone is well aware of former Congresswoman Gabby Giffords and her brush with death last year while campaigning at a neighborhood in Arizona. Another lunatic with a gun shot several people at the political rally and some died. Giffords was shot in the head, but made a miraculous comeback as the entire country kept her in our thoughts and prayers. Her husband, Astronaut Mark Kelly, was the contact with the media and kept us updated on Gabby's improvement. She improved enough to be present for President Obama's State of the Union address. Since the shooting in Arizona the liberal media and Democrats have used the Congresswoman and her husband as examples of how bad guns are and the people that own them. Kelly even spoke to a Congressional Committee about banning assault weapons from the American people..
   So you can imagine how the Democratic left must have panicked when Arizona law enforcement officials released a 2010 photo of Giffords standing proudly beside a shot up target and holding an AR-15 assault rifle. The photo was quickly taken down from several websites before Giffords staff could come up with a story about it..
    Gifford's staff said Arizona law enforcement officials called her office to see if she wanted to shoot some new weapons the office had just received....BUT the law enforcement spokesman said it was her office that called them wanting permission for the Congresswoman to come to the range and shoot some guns while being photographed. Looking at the target, she does have a good grouping around the middle of the chest,...if indeed she was the one doing the shooting..
   When the above photo hit the internet and went viral Gifford's staff was inundated with calls for a response. They gave the above story about the photo and also sent out another.. The photo below was supposedly taken in Afghanistan while Giffords was visiting the troops. She is seen holding an AK-47 'assault rifle' while someone took the photo. 
    On March 13, 2013 Astronaut Mark Kelly was photographed at a Tucson, Arizona gun store where he purchased a Colt model 1911 45 caliber handgun..AND an AR-15 assault rifle with a large capacity magazine. 
    When this photo and information about the purchase was made public on Wednesday of this week, Kelly was asked about it and he replied he was making the purchases for the Tucson Police Department. If you believe that you are more gullible than most. The left-leaning media won't be reporting this story, and the liberal Democratic Party is trying their best to cover it up.. Assault rifles come under the jurisdiction of the Second Amendment. If you can afford one, then you should be able to buy one. My gripe is those that say the 2nd Amendment is for hunting rifles. The Founding Fathers were far sighted individuals and wanted a free America to remain free. They could see a future administration wanting to dominate the country, so they installed the amendment to make sure average Americans could rise up to overthrow any tyrannical government. The only reason the Japanese did not invade the West Coast after bombing Pearl Harbor was their fear of average Americans with guns behind every corner.
   The Democratic Left does not want you to have an AR-15... or a gas-guzzling SUV...but that does not apply to them. Remember Rosie O'Donald buying handguns for her bodyguards to have when escorting her children to school?  Have you heard about the five deaths from a gun battle in New York City last week, despite the gun-ban imposed by Mayor Michael Bloomburg....and Chicago led the nation in gun deaths last year with over 500 killed, despite having a ban on handguns in the Windy City.  
   March 26, 2013=  The Arizona gun store owner has rescinded the money to Astronaut Mark Kelly and cancelled the purchase. Kelly's recent public comments about donating the gun to law enforcement are in direct opposition to what he said on the paperwork at the time of purchase. On the paperwork Kelly had written 'personal use' for the reason behind buying the weapon. The gun store owner now plans to donate the AR-15 to the Arizona Tactical Squad, along with a one-thousand dollar donation. 

  But now.. the next time Kelly tries to purchase a firearm he will have to TRUTHFULLY answer one of the many questions.
Have you ever been refused when buying a weapon?  Yes    No