Sunday, December 27, 2009

The Movie 'Avatar'

Momma and I went to the movies today to see
'Avatar'. Unlike the movie 2012 this one had a
storyline that was believable. It is a love story
with a futuristic setting. I won't spoil it for you,
but there were parts of the movie that made
me think I was looking at a different prospective
of 'Surrogates' (see earlier review).
The movie takes place on another planet and
there are good guys and bad guys on both sides.
It is two hours and forty minutes long so make
sure the bladder is empty when you go see it.
I would not suggest taking any children under
the age of 8-9. The violence and language are
not the problem, but they may not be able to
follow the story line.
A Kleenix or two might also be a good idea..
There are some moments that might require a
tissue to maintain that stoic image of yours.. It
is a good movie and the 3D effects are sure to
get your attention. The jungle setting had me
swatting bugs out of my way to see the film...
and lo and behold,..they were part of the film.
The film is out in two different formats...3D and
the regular way. Go see it in 3D!!! I thought I
would dread the glasses, but they are comfortable
and it gives the film a whole new look to make
it even more believable. Director James Cameron
(who also did 'Titanic') has another masterpiece
on his hands.

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