Saturday, September 28, 2013

Denison Health Fall Fest

     A Health Fair was held at Texoma Medical Center in Denison today...and a good size crowd turned out to take advantage. Booths were set up outside allowing the kids some activities to have fun while parents found more important stuff on the inside of the hospital. 
      This is the lobby of the hospital and it was filled with booths and tables of various groups displaying the latest thing in healthcare and affiliate groups. Food was also in abundance today and naturally I took advantage of that.
      Momma and our oldest daughter helped out at the Texoma Health Foundation table. If anyone in your family has become a victim of breast cancer, you need to be in touch with this group. That is Susan Hooper on the far right in the photo and her office is in the Reba McEntire Building behind Texoma Medical Center. The table is filled with informational packets for interested parties..but also note all the pink hats. 
     The hats will be judged and then auctioned off on October 22nd.. Think Pink Day! The hat closest to the camera was made by my daughter Laura (sitting beside Susan behind the table) and the smaller hat in the middle of the table was made by my granddaughter Lilly. The hat at the far end of the table belongs to Susan. She is also accepting raffle bids for the beautiful quilt on the far left of photo.
       This is just one of the many tables or displays that I found amazing today. It is an example of how robotics are being used in healthcare to cut down on mistakes and to show how precise the robot can be. The procedure being performed by the robotic arms can be viewed on the TV monitor in the upper left hand corner of the photo. This tells me the doctor can be in Dallas while performing an operation in the Sherman/Denison area... and thankfully, TMC is right on the forefront of this amazing advancement.

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