Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The Sargeant

I have mentioned our two inside dogs a couple
of times on this blog... Today I will introduce you
to my big dog, who rules the outside and guards
our backyard..
We found 'Sarge' in a newspaper ad and fell
in love with him at first sight. He is a Yellow
Labrador, but that is not his color. He is more of
a champagne colored dog. Our youngest daughter
had just moved back to Texas from Virginia with
her one year old daughter, Lilly. Sarge and Lilly
have grown up together. From the backyard he
can recognize Lilly's voice inside the house and he
will whine and whimper until she comes outside to
tell him hello.
I have always been a terrier fan, so Sarge is my
first relationship with a bigger dog. He actually
scared me with the rapid growth of his puppyhood.
We got him when he was 8 weeks old and he weighed
about 9 pounds. The Sarge is now 5 years old and
tops the scale at 140 pounds. He reminds everyone
of a lion when he walks as his flanks shiver as he moves.
He may scare strangers and would-be intruders, but
he is actually very tame. I have no fear of allowing the
grandkids to go in the backyard as long as Sarge is
on-duty. When Lilly was small he would always position
his body to be between her and everyone else...obviously
in a protection stance.
Sarge shares the backyard with 'Emma",.. a boxer we
saved at a rescue mission. When they told us she would
be destroyed the next day, we had to come home with
her. She is 8 years old and is sweet as they come. Even
when snow does come to Texas, the two outside dogs
stay outside. We have a large doghouse for them, but
they prefer to sleep in the middle of the yard. Go figure!

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