Saturday, July 27, 2013

Denison House Fire

     Few things touch your heart more than seeing someone's house go up in flames. That was the case Saturday afternoon when I heard sirens close by our house. I went to the door and the smell of smoke was extremely strong, so I knew it had to be nearby. I grabbed my trusty camera and headed for the sirens.
      The burning house was on the corner of Woodard and Maurice in Denison. Three fire trucks and two ambulances were already on the scene when I arrived. The temperature was in the 90's so the firemen were fighting the blaze in shifts. One group would attack the burning house while others found some shade and a bottle of water.
     The fire apparently started due to smoking in bed. The lady of the house is a semi-invalid and was seen smoking before taking a nap. The family had a collection of pets, including an iguana lizard, and they all perished in the blaze. At first I thought it was fairly minor, but as you can see, the fire has taken out some of the interior before it became apparent from the outside.
      The house has a huge storage building behind the house, but luckily the fire did not approach it. The left half of the domicile suffered serious damage. The smell of smoke was strong for about three blocks around the scene of the fire. 
      In the above photo you can see the damage extends right through the house to the backside. The second floor balcony is also seriously damaged by the fire.
        Kudos to the Denison Fire Department as they were on the scene moments after being notified of the fire. The house is only four blocks from Central Fire Station and trucks from the Morton Street Station also responded to the fire. Thanks go out for their quick usual.

1 comment:

  1. Smoking in bed. Certainly a huge fire hazard. But it was a good thing someone noticed it sooner, or the whole property might’ve burned down. Which is saying something, as it seems to have started in a secluded part of the house.

