This past Saturday we held our monthly shindig
at Texoma Harley-Davidson. It was a good time.
We arrived at 8:30 in the morning and had a line
of customers waiting on Momma to sew patches
on their vests and jackets. She was swamped by
customers all day long. I just helped out with the
water and ice containers. We went through a lot
of water to try and keep customers well hydrated.
T-Bones Restaurant was again supplying hamburgers
and chips for free, but this time Schwann's was
there to provide free ice cream. A couple of new
vendors were on hand this month. The most unique
was a couple that travel to rallies and gatherings to
show their upholstering business. They will rebuild
your bike seat to make it more comfortable. It's that
memory foam and I tried it out to see if it did make
a difference, and it really does. A couple of regulars
from the last couple of months were also there. A
lady applying free massages was kept busy most of
the day..and Rudy simply baffled customers with his
card tricks. This kid is gonna be something special one
of these days. The calendar model was also on hand
(in bikini) to autograph her month in the calendar, and
she also took part in the watermelon-eating contest
that afternoon. Texoma Harley-Davidson installed a
big tent with a cooling mist flowing under it. That is
where the melon-eating contest took place. Some of
the contestants look like they were about to puke over
filling up on the stuff. All in all, it was a good day and
we look forward to August 21st when we do it all over
again... See ya there.
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