Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy 4th of July

Saturday,..the fourth of July....Independence Day !! This is the
day the United States of American declared itself to be a free and
independent country with no ties to Great Britain in 1776. Down
through the years it has lost a little meaning each and every year.
The media and left-leaning liberals (one and the same) have tried
their best to make it just another holiday and a three-day weekend.
BUT....for those of us that know the true is a great
day!! My thanks is eternal to the great generation of Americans
that fought in World War II. I will never understand how the Allies
defeated a country that was so superior in weaponry, science, and
tactics. I must admit my bias. My father was joined by six uncles in
World War II, and thankfully they all returned home after the war.
My uncle J.R. was the only one injured. He was a member of the 101st
Airborne unit that jumped into France prior to the D-Day landings.
J.R. was shot out of the sky by German soldiers and lived on baby food
for over a year while his stomach rebuilt itself. My grandmother was so
proud of the fact she had a flag in the window with six stars on it,
signifying she had six sons fighting for America. Speaking of D-Day,
how could you let an enemy have four years to prepare for an invasion,
have better machine gun emplacements, heavy coastal artillery, and
the best air force in the world, yet lose the battle...the war...and their
way of life. I tell my kids and grand kids the answer is in two words.
Devine Intervention! How else can you explain Rommel and all the
other high German officers being absent from their post to attend war
games...not allowing field grade officers at the scene to make decisions
on their own...and the weather keeping the Luftwaffe grounded while
the invasion took place. The Lord was on the side of Good and made
sure Evil did not win.
My brother was involved in the Korean conflict and I was one of
those that survived Vietnam, but the Vets of World War II are still
the great generation. Every day they are dying off at the rate of
one thousand a day. Should you see one at the grocery store...the post
office..and anywhere during the course of the day. Stop and take the
time to say 'Thank You'. Without them we would all be speaking
German, having none of the freedoms we take for granted, and would
not be enjoying the holiday that is.... the 4th of July..
Only two people have ever volunteered to die for you... Jesus Christ
and the American soldier.. Jesus died to save your soul and the
American soldier is willing to die for your freedom. God Bless America!!

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